EstiNet 5G Network Simulator and Emulator
The EstiNet network simulator/emulator originates from NCTUns. NCTUns had been used for network-related research and publication from 2002 to 2011. It became a commercial software on 2011 and was renamed EstiNet. EstiNet's network simulation environment includes physical layer, media access control layer, network layer, transportation layer and application layer. In addition, EstiNet's user-friendly GUI provides users a convenient way to construct a simulated network and a visual display for simulation result observation and debugging.
EstiNet11 supports 5G network simulation by providing a complete 5GC software and abstract RAN+UE modules that simulates simplified RAN attributes and UE behaviors. It integrates high-quality 5G core network software developed by free5GC alliance initiated by National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. The 5G network simulation of EstiNet is accomplished using pure software and thus it can be installed and executed on pure cloud systems.
Visualization of Network Communication
EstiNet11 can intuitively display visual animation of layer-2 frame transmission/reception/floating over media. For 5G simulation, EstiNet11 further provide message-level animation to display control message exchanges among 5GC components, which is useful and helpful for learning and studying 5G core network behaviors. (The 5G message-level animation feature is coming soon.)
Integrate Linux kernel’s protocol stacks
Linux kernel’s TCP/IP & UDP/IP protocol stacks are directly integrated in simulated networks to provide real layer-3 and layer-4 protocol behavior for network applications.
Compatible with real-world Linux network applications
Linux-based application programs, which are usually executed on real Linux-based machine, can be directly run onto simulated nodes of EstiNet11. The capability of executing real programs means that real-world network behaviors can be exactly reflected in EstiNet11’s simulated network. This feature is useful to develop and test the functionalities and performance of a new application by using EstiNet11. It is also useful when testing a newly developed network by using EstiNet11 and real-life network applications.
Interact with real-world network devices
EstiNet11 can turn itself from the simulation mode to the emulation mode. When turning into the emulation mode, a simulated network/device can transmit/receive packets to/from a real-world device. That is, an emulated network comprises simulated network nodes and real network devices. This mode is useful to test the behavior of a newly developed network equipment.
Key Features and Benefits
- Support 5G Network
- - Support free5GC core network, RAN and UE as container-based
- Application Layer
- - HTTP, FTP, DHCP, NAT, VPN, DNS, Firewall, SSH, telnet, tcpdump and Wirewhark
- - Other Linux-based network applications and traffic generators
- Transport Layer
- - TCP
- - UDP
- Network Layer
- - IPv4 & IPv6
- - ICMPv4 & ICMPv6
- - Routing Daemon
- - OLSRD2
- Data Link Layer
- - IEEE 802.3
- - IEEE 802.11a/g
- - Coding & Decoding
- - IEEE 802.11n
- - Coding & Decoding
- - A-MSDU
- - Block Ack & A-MPDU
- Physical Layer
- - Transmission Delay
- - Propagation Delay
- - Modulation & Demodulation
- - Channel Model (for Wireless Channel)
- - Tx Power
- - Tx/Rx Antenna Gain Pattern
- - Signal Attenuation
- - Rx Sensitivity
Shue-Yuan Wang, Chih-Liang Chou, and Chun-Ming Yang, "EstiNet OpenFlow Network Simulator and Emulator," IEEE Communications Magazine (Volume: 51, Issue: 9), September 2013
Shie-Yuan Wang and Wen-Jhe Chang, "Benchmarking the Performance of XenDesktop Virtual DeskTop Infrastructure (VDI) Platform," The Fourteenth International Conference on Networks (ICN), 2015
G.Sandeep and G. Laksgmi Kanth, "BGP Routing Protocol: To Determine the Routing Paths Among Independent Systems in the Internet," International Journal of Research, In Advanced Engineering Technologies (Volume: 5, Issue: 2), Dec 2015
Yuxin Wan, Junwei Cao, Kang He, Huaying Zhang, Peng Yu, Senjing Yao, and Keqin Li, "Node Placement Analysis for Overlay Networks in IoT Applications," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks Volume 2014 (2014)
Apporva Shukla, Prayag Varshney, Rohit Kumar, Shikha Mishra and Dr.Rakesh Kumar Jha, "A-Z installation Guideline for OpenFlow Simulation/Emulation Tool: EstiNet 8.1," International Conference on Recent Trends & Advancements in Engineering Technology (ICRTAET), 2015
Stojan Kitanov and Toni Janevski, "Modeling and Analyzing LTE Networks with EstiNet Network Simulator and Emulator," ICEST, June 2013
M. Kurmis, D. Dzemydiene, R. Didziokas and J. Trokss, "Modeling and Simulation of Cloud Computing Solution for Distributed Space Data Storage and Access In Mobile Communication Networks," Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences (LPTS), 2013
Monika, Sanjay Batish and Amardeep Dhiman, "Comparative Study of AODV, DSDV and DSR Routing Protocols in Vehicular Network Using EstiNet Simulator," International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (Volume: 3, Issue: 6), June 2012